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Monthly payments and income required, based on purchase price and downpayment

The following tables will show you what your monthly payments would be, and the income required, based on your purchase price and downpayment.

Note that these tables are examples based on an interest rate of 6.25% and an amortization period of 25 years. Coming soon: you will be able to add your own customized columns to the charts.

Mississauga Bungalow: $468,000 (brief)

Price 468,000 468,000 468,000
Downpayment Amount 49,900 99,800 149,700
Downpayment % 10% 20% 30%
Total Monthly Payment 3,387 3,019 2,677
Annual Income Required 127,011 113,228 100,394

Mississauga Bungalow: $468,000 (detailed)

Price 468,000 468,000 468,000
Downpayment Amount 49,900 99,800 149,700
Downpayment % 10% 20% 30%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 449,100 399,200 349,300
Insurance Premium 11,228 4,990 2,620
Total Mortgage 460,328 404,190 351,920
Monthly Prin. + Int. 3,014 2,646 2,304
Monthly Taxes 373 373 373
Total Monthly Payment 3,387 3,019 2,677
Annual Income Required 127,011 113,228 100,394

Leaside Cape Cod: $485,000 (brief)

Price 485,000 485,000 485,000
Downpayment Amount 48,500 97,000 145,500
Downpayment % 10% 20% 30%
Total Monthly Payment 3,267 2,910 2,577
Annual Income Required 122,527 109,131 96,657

Leaside Cape Cod: $485,000 (detailed)

Price 485,000 485,000 485,000
Downpayment Amount 48,500 97,000 145,500
Downpayment % 10% 20% 30%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 436,500 388,000 339,500
Insurance Premium 10,913 4,850 2,546
Total Mortgage 447,413 392,850 342,046
Monthly Prin. + Int. 2,929 2,572 2,240
Monthly Taxes 338 338 338
Total Monthly Payment 3,267 2,910 2,578
Annual Income Required 122,527 109,131 96,657

Don Mills Bungalow: $290,000

Price 290,000 290,000 290,000
Downpayment Amount 14,500 29,000 72,500
Downpayment % 5% 10% 25%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 275,500 261,000 217,500
Insurance Premium 6,888 6,525 1,631
Total Mortgage 282,388 267,525 219,131
Monthly Prin. + Int. 1,849 1,752 1,435
Monthly Taxes 246 246 246
Total Monthly Payment 2,095 1,998 1,681
Annual Income Required 78,559 74,910 63,028

Mississauga Bungalow: $290,000

Price 290,000 290,000 290,000
Downpayment Amount 14,500 29,000 72,500
Downpayment % 5% 10% 25%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 275,405 260,910 217,425
Insurance Premium 6,885 6,523 1,631
Total Mortgage 282,290 267,433 219,056
Monthly Prin. + Int. 1,848 1,751 1,434
Monthly Taxes 218 218 218
Total Monthly Payment 2,066 1,969 1,652
Annual Income Required 77,482 73,834 61,956

Leaside Two Bedroom Condo: $243,000

Price 243,000 243,000 243,000
Downpayment Amount 12,150 24,300 60,750
Downpayment % 5% 10% 25%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 230,850 218,700 182,250
Insurance Premium 5,771 5,468 1,367
Total Mortgage 236,621 224,168 183,617
Monthly Prin. + Int. 1,549 1,468 1,202
Monthly Taxes 193 193 193
Total Monthly Payment 1,742 1,661 1,395
Annual Income Required 65,335 62,277 52,321

Leaside One Bedroom Condo: $185,000

Price 185,000 185,000 185,000
Downpayment Amount 9,250 18,500 46,250
Downpayment % 5% 10% 25%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 175,750 166,500 138,750
Insurance Premium 4,394 4,163 1,041
Total Mortgage 180,144 170,663 139,791
Monthly Prin. + Int. 1,179 1,117 915
Monthly Taxes 150 150 150
Total Monthly Payment 1,329 1,267 1,065
Annual Income Required 49,855 47,527 39,948

Cottage in the Parry Sound Area: $87,000

Price 87,000 87,000 87,000
Downpayment Amount 4,350 8,700 21,750
Downpayment % 5% 10% 25%
Interest Rate 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Amortization 25 years 25 years 25 years
Mortgage 82,650 78,300 65,250
Insurance Premium 2,066 1,958 489
Total Mortgage 84,716 80,258 65,739
Monthly Prin. + Int. 555 525 430
Monthly Taxes 40 40 40
Total Monthly Payment 595 565 470
Annual Income Required 22,300 21,205 17,641

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